As I have mentioned before when I wrote about my diet, I
stay away from heavy lactose foods. Most people with Crohn’s are lactose
intolerant. Actually, I think a lot of people are in general to some degree.
When I was first diagnosed, I thought to myself, OMG, no more cereal, ice cream or cheese
ever again?? But that is not true! There are ways around this to eat yummy
dairy foods without lactose or getting an upset tummy. However, it all depends
on the person too. Some tolerate more lactose than others.
Dairy foods that I
CAN eat include:
Frozen yogurt
Lactose free milk (Great Value at Walmart is the best!)
Most hard cheeses like swiss, sharp cheddar, mozzarella,
goat cheese etc
I do fine with grated cheese on my tacos
And Dairy foods that
I do NOT tolerate include:
Regular milk
Ice cream
Any kind of queso or liquid cheese like at Mexican
restaurants- this is the worst!
Mac and cheese
Cheesy pastas at Italian restaurants
Cheesy garlic bread-this upset me terribly because of the
cheese and butter smothered all over the bread!
Probably cheesecake, but I have not tried this in a long
The two “substitutes” I was most excited about to discover
were frozen yogurt since I cannot eat ice cream and Great Value Lactose Free
Milk. Love them!
Seriously, the lactose free milk tastes no different than regular milk. I think it tastes
even better and it lasts longer than regular milk! We buy reduced fat or 2
percent. J
Yum. I can eat cereal all I want. Of course it depends on the cereal, because
certain cereals upset my tummy too. Corn Flakes and Cheerios are pretty safe
for a Crohn’s tummy.

Recently, I bought this carton of frozen yogurt at Wal-Mart.
It is really yummy and tastes juts like vanilla ice cream. This brand has
different flavors of frozen yogurt too!
Health food grocery stores usually have lactose free ice
cream that I have tried. Its okay, it just doesn’t taste all that great. But it
is better than nothing!
Please let me know if you know of any other great lactose free foods! I'm always looking for something new to try, because who doesn't love dairy? :)