Monday, November 4, 2013

The Model Home Seduction

In the one year that we have been homeowners, I have fallen prey to the seduction of model home. From the day our offer was accepted on our home, my head started making plans. Plans that included many dollar signs.

First, I made plans to fill all the blank walls. And there are so many blank walls to fill. Then I made plans to purchase decorations for every major holiday. I did not realize how many holidays there are till I wanted to decorate for them. More plans followed with desires for new and additional furniture to fill our home (inside and outside), new floors, kitchen counter tops and of course backsplash. When spring came, more plans began to develop in my mind for landscaping. And the list just goes on. I wanted all this and a vacation! 

There are things you need as a homeowner, like a mower, blinds for privacy, a refrigerator and a washer and dryer. Many of my plans did not include necessities but wants that sure felt like needs. 

The lure of the model home I believe is a struggle for many women. If my home is beautiful, put- together, clean and decorated like a Pottery Barn catalog, people will think that my life is just as great. If my home meets certain perfection requirements, then people will see that my life is calm, cool and collected as well. Friends and family will never know that we live off of a budget. Guests will never know what we can't afford. 

Such dirty little lies. 

I'm slaughtering these lies with the truth that we do live on a budget. We can't afford all my plans right now. And that is okay. 

To obsess over and strive for the perfect model home will create a less than perfect life.  

Spending money constantly on unnecessary material things will affect finances, which in turn will  cause anxiety and strain on a marriage. Maybe just little arguments here and there, but it can grow. And this is not the kind of growth I want in my household. 

When my focus is centered around creating a false appearance and pleasing house guests, my heart is not focused on loving my husband and just enjoying our time together as newlyweds. My mind is not focused on spending time with the Lord and finding fulfillment from Him in His Word. 

My husband has consistently reminded me we have to pace ourselves when making adjustments to our home. When it comes to finances, the necessary items must come first (like when we had to purchase four new tires for my car last week). The things we want must be budgeted, saved for and spaced out (like wood floors).

To be smart with money is to be smart with marriage. 

1 comment:

  1. Great posting! Thanks for the reminder to not get lured into the trap of putting on appearances. Patience is a virtue I am reminded I need much much more of far too often. Cheers!
