Sunday, October 21, 2012

Our Honeymoon Re-Do in Colorado

Isaac and I just went on our “Honeymoon Re-Do” last weekend, and it was a success! No broken bones or lost limbs like our original honeymoon. It was fun, relaxing and exactly what we needed. It was so nice to get away from everyday life, and just be with each other doing fun things.

We stayed at a friend’s house in Winter Park, CO and mostly relaxed a lot. Watched movies and TV while it snowed outside, slept in, made breakfast for lunch, and explored the town. On our last day, we drove north a little to Grand Lake, CO in Rocky Mountain National Park to explore the cute little mountain town and go hiking at Allen Falls.

We LOVED Grand Lake. We went to this cute shop called the “Goofy Moose” and bought some of our first married Christmas decorations. We bought a moose ornament, a plaque thing that has a tree on it, and a little Christmas tree figurine. Then we ate lunch at this restaurant called Sagebrush and Isaac had the best pulled pork sandwich he has ever had. I’ll admit, I don’t like barbecue that much, but it was pretty good meat.

I can see why it is important for couples to get away even just for a couple days every now and then to forget about normal responsibilities at home and focus on being with each other. I think the only thing we bickered about was where to eat while driving to Colorado and having a hard time finding somewhere off the highway. Haha. 

Here are some photos below from our trip :) 

How my stomach did on the trip:

My stomach did pretty good. Two nights I had really bad bloating and cramping. Like laying on the floor with a heating pad bad. Also, the altitude made us both pretty gassy - which is to be expected.

Thankfully, on our last day when we went hiking I felt my best! My stomach felt flat and no diarrhea, bloating or cramping that day at all.  

Since we had a kitchen in the house we stayed at, I brought a lot of food from home for me to eat. That way I was not relying on eating out for my diet on the trip. We ate out for dinners, and I did okay with Margarita pizza two nights and chinese food another night. 

Usually when I eat chinese food, I order steamed chicken not cooked in any oils with either dry seasonings or a light sauce, white steamed rice and if they have it, edemame. Love that stuff! 

Monday, October 8, 2012

We Are Going To Colorado!

This is a short work week for me, because my husband and I leaving for Winter Park, Colorado on Thursday for a little get away! Yay. We are really excited to get away and see mountains. We also plan on driving up to hike around in Rocky Mountain National Park.

I am labeling this little trip our “Second Honeymoon,” because our original one was awful.

Long story short, my husband lost the tip of his index finger on our second day in Mexico when we were on our honeymoon. While he was getting back into the boat from snorkeling, his finger got caught in the hinge of the collapsible metal ladder. From there, it just went downhill. We spent two days in a Mexican hospital, then when we got back to the resort it literally poured the entire time. Isaac was in so much pain too.

Here is a picture the day after his finger accident at Playa Med Hospital. We were waiting to be discharged from the hospital. It was a long night. If you are wondering what that thing was on his ear, they took a skin graft from the back of his ear to put on his finger, which ended up dying. They had to re-do everything when we got back to Oklahoma. He is doing so much better now! 

Thus the reason we need this little vacation to Colorado. J We need to get away and do something fun together, see beauty and just be with each other. Things have been so crazy lately starting off our marriage with getting Isaac better and with my health not in great condition either.

I am ready to see sites like these! Beautiful mountains!

We decided to drive which will take about 11 hours on Thursday. This will be our first long road trip together. I hope it is fun to be in the car together that long haha. People always say road trips are the best, but we just want to get there. Plus we will be driving north though Kansas, so it will be kind of a boring drive.

With this long of a road trip, one of the "Crohn's concerns" I have is getting to a restroom quickly if I need to go. Since I was diagnosed with Crohns, I have not been on any long road trips. Thankfully, I have been doing much better these past few weeks. So, hopefully I will not flare at any point during this trip. I pray that God blesses our second honeymoon, and that it will be a trip to remember - in a good way!

Another "Crohns concern" I have is how I am going to do with the change in altitude. I have been to Colorado before, and I usually get altitude sickness the first day. I’m not sure how I will be with all my drugs and this darn steroid in my system. I have been drinking a lot of water to prepare my body for the change in altitude.

Does anyone have any other suggestions for me?

I wonder if altitude change will affect my stomach at all? Not sure, but I will find out! 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Quit Corn Flakes?

Lately, I have been feeling pretty good. I just so want to get completely weened off this Prednisone. I am down to 5 mg. It just makes me very tired, shaky and achy. But my stomach is feeling a lot better lately! I can honestly say I have not had diarrhea in weeks! Crazy.

For some reason last night I had really bad stomach pain and bloating. Oh man, it was so painful. All I could do was lay on my back on the floor with a heating pad.

Isaac thinks this happened, because I ate Corn Flakes. The pain did come on right after I ate the cereal. But I have had Corn Flakes before without that specific pain. He thinks it has something to do with corn. This pain and bloating always happened right after I used to eat Corn Pops too. So, I quit eating those.

I might try eat a bowl of Corn Flakes one more time one evening just to see what happens. If it happens again, then I know it is for sure the Corn Flakes. Sad. I love that cereal.

But I do not love it enough. That was some bad stomach pain.

It's weird though, because most Crohn's websites say that Corn Flakes should be okay for people with Crohn's. Anyone have any knowledge??

Or maybe I had the bad stomach pain, just because my disease decided to flare up last night randomly. I mean that is part of having Crohn's! Sometimes there is no explanation to why symptoms come on other than my intestines are just inflammed and they have a mind of their own! Argh.